Sure, you could still back out, but you've already gotten interested in the symbolism of your Original Blueprint. You'd forgotten about that thing. Kind of like pulling out the old high school yearbook, you quickly get immersed in the memories of who you were, what dreams you had, the friends you hung out with and what they thought you were “Most Likely To...”
Except the Blueprint contains “everything.” All you have done and hope to do. And “everything” has never been so clear!
It's all exquisitely simple. 1) Pretend that there is Other. 2) Forget that you and all Other were once One. 3) Play with Other as if you were actually separate. 4) Eventually remember and follow your longing for Union back home.
Given those instructions, anything goes! Standing in front of your Original Blueprint you know that nothing exists outside of Spirit, so anything you want to do is OK! It will all lead back to Source. So you begin to design your next incarnation.
Flash to now. Here. Adult human. It's OK, go ahead and shake your head about ego, personality, emotions, physical limitations, culture, society, religions, government, money, education, programming, politics, power... Did you really pick the life you've been living? What were you thinking?
Yeaaaahhhh, on the Threshold, we tend to forget what it's like to be Spirit in a human body and create a life in the dualistic material world. We feel we can do all and anything. We definitely tend to forget that there is no right and wrong, good and bad and that whatever happens, it's happening in Spirit, so it's really all OK!
So what the heck was going on up there?
You weren't planning out your life in the sense of what you wanted to be, what your love life might be like, whether you'd be rich or poor, athletic or sickly, etc. The details of our life are incidentals. For all the importance and drama you assign them, what you're going to find written on your Original Blueprint in the end is how close you were able to resonate to the frequencies you chose when you came.
It's a frequencies game. When you incarnate you are selecting the frequencies that resonate with you. Imagine you are a composer and you have a little tune running through your head and you want to create a symphony based on that tune. So you go to the musical note store and begin to collect all the notes you'll need to expand your little ditty into a magnum opus. You don't know yet how all the notes will come together, how it will sound, what parts all the instruments will play.
In the physical world, in our “life,” each of these frequencies that we so merrily hum to on the Threshold manifests as an archetype of relationship. After all, this is completely about you and Other, whether that Other is another human or animal or nature or event. You were drawn to these frequencies because they would serve, like mile markers along the highway, to guide you back to Union. You chose the frequencies to combine with Other frequencies to create the “song” you desired to experience.
So yes, it is safe to assume that on the Threshold you liked each and every one of these frequencies. You resonated with them. They felt right! Do they still? Several decades into performing the symphony, how do you feel about it?
Most likely, you have forgotten, distorted or abandoned many of the frequencies you started out with. This happened because the emotional, mental and physical bodies didn't get the memo that the life you wanted to live was embedded in the frequency Spirit was bringing into your vulnerable baby body. Well, actually, there is information in the Spiritual strands of DNA, but no one but Spirit knows how to access it. Which, Spirit initially does by implanting them into the epigenetics of the infant self. However, since those around you begin to program you the moment you are born (with their own out-of-tune frequencies) it would be rare that you learned to recognize and activate your Blueprint frequencies.
Christmas Eve morning I woke up from one of those “info download” dreams. I had clearly been somewhere other than the physical and had been given a lesson. The lesson was,
“If you want to get back on track, find those frequencies from your Original Blueprint and start vibrating to them again.” I'm pretty sure I heard my etheric mentor whisper “Duh!” under her breath. I grabbed a pen and turned on the bedside table lamp and found a wide enough margin in the newspaper laying there and wrote stuff like this...
Frequency = archetype... find ones that deeply resonate... practice vibrating to that frequency... embody the archetype it invokes. (Archetype here being the expression of the kind of human being you are desiring to be.)
When we all vibrate to the frequencies we resonate to, the Universe gets to take its next step. We can't know what that is or when it will be.
It's about finding the frequency first and staying true to that vibration without fabricating the archetype, the behaviors, beliefs, actions we think belong to that frequency. All of those concepts are most likely “shoulds” and other programming. Just vibrate to the frequency you resonate to and let it manifest you. Voila! Presto! Back to the Original Blueprint.
How can you know? You have a built in tuning fork in your body and your feelings. You've probably noticed them more often when you're not resonating. You feel angry or unhappy or depressed, your body may lose energy or hurt or get tight and tense. And it is great to have that feedback so you know when you are out of tune. What you really want to practice, however, is finding a frequency that makes you feel “right,” like you've come home to yourself, and resonating with it as much as possible.
Remember the childhood game where you'd hide something and then guide your playmate to find it by indicating whether they were getting warmer or colder? It's a lot like that. Pay attention to the times during your day when you feel “right” and notice the frequency of your vibration in that moment. Bookmark it in your emotional computer so you can come back to it, and let it guide you to what you're meant to be and do by noticing when it gets “warmer” and “colder.”
Feeling “right” has nothing to do with having an answer or being smart. And it isn't always related to feeling good or happy, etc. Feeling right happens when what is manifesting for you is resonating “spot on” with your frequency. Some of the most challenging experiences you have may be the most resonant. And when they are, even if they are sad or scary or embarrassing, you can feel that they are exactly what is supposed to be happening. You are able to get through them and feel better for it.
As for the other times – which can feel like most the time – if you are out of sync you will be in resistance, because the experience is not really true for you. Instead of a clear vibration you will resonate like a cracked bell and the vibration will not be clear. These are the “hard times.” This is where the pain and rage and terror and gut-wrenching sadness manifest because, though you have to go through it, it was not in tune with your original frequency. It's not “yours” and often feels like you are a victim. These times come around because of our programming, taking on or believing someone else's frequency is what you are supposed to vibrate to. Shoulds, musts, beliefs, dogma, rules... all the result of others trying to get you to vibrate like them. Why? Because they are missing the mark with their own frequency and it feels like crap and they are hoping to feel more “right” by getting others to agree with them. Never works. Everyone just ends up unhappy.
This is what Spiritual Coaching is about, learning to resonate with the frequencies of our Original Blueprint, learning to follow our own guidance system, learning to let go of anything that pulls us off track. When you get better at ringing true to yourself, Other will entrain to the truth and find its own frequency. This does not mean everything will necessarily be in harmony – don't set yourself up for disappointment that way. What it does mean is that your frequency and the frequency of Other will be in integrity and impeccability for guiding us all back to Union.
“We're all just walking each other home.” Ram Dass