If you want to know what you are “supposed” to be doing in your life, take a look around at what you have already created. The hints are everywhere. It may not be glamorous or even comfortable. It may be hidden among the drama. It probably is not at all what you imagined. Still, all throughout the matrix of the life you have created you will find your signature, your seal, your sigil, and the electromagnetic vibration of your frequency as Spirit in a Body.
It is impossible for it to be otherwise, just as the pen must write with the color of the ink with which it is filled. There are infinite possibilities of what the pen may write, but it will always be true to its ink and its nib. You brought with you the frequencies of what you wished to learn and do and create in this life, and that vibration constantly draws to you that which harmonizes with it.
“Then how come I’m so unhappy?”
“How come I’m sick?”
“Why did my beloved leave me?”
“I hate my job,,,I barely have enough money to live on…bad things always happen to me…I can’t find a partner…my business failed…I’m in pain all the time…”
These are the voices I often hear in my Spiritual Coaching practice. If I am Spirit in a Body and I came here for a reason, why do I feel so very far away from it? How can it be right here around me?
SpiritWalk blog will share with you information that has “dropped in” or “emerged” throughout my life. Over the past 30 years, my own frequencies led me to create a path where I can help others to find their peace, their health, and their answers, first as a body worker, then a holistic psychotherapist, and finally a psychic, healer and Spiritual Coach. Almost all of this information has come as a result of constantly asking questions about being Spirit in a Body and holding space (with everyone who came into my circle) for the answers.
I have not done this alone. There have been numerous teachers, mentors, petty tyrants, friends, lovers, children and clients. It has been far from easy. It has not been pretty. I did not get rich. I have laughed a whole lot. I have had fun. I have fallen inexorably in love with Life and learned to deeply honor and hold Sacred Above All the blessed reason we agreed to come play in this illusion of separation from Source – Love.
We are all on the same SpiritWalk when you really get down to it. It is immensely complex and exquisitely simple at the same time. The SpiritWalk is the journey we are all on to learn about Love. In Source, Love IS. It is constant and immoveable. It is non-transient. But the vortex of love was too strong to remain intransient. Love needed to act. So Source – “we” – followed the urge to play at being separate so that Love could move by loving “Other.” Love became transient, went into action, sacrificed Union for Duality, and began the long strange trip to recognize the Sacred in our beloved’s eyes. Voila, Life!
After much experience, “we” have been in the process of following Love into denser and denser realms, curious if it really does permeate even the harshest vibrations. This is the play we are at in our current era. And boy, are we having to do some fancy dancing to keep that balance! For each depth and density we enter we have to teeter-totter to equally high and fine frequencies. It reverberates from the macro to the micro, from the universal to the personal. Everything is dancing the polarity boogie! So are our personal lives going to be easily kept on an even keel? Nope. Are they going to reflect the vacillating frequencies with which we are now at play? Yep.
Hang out with these blog posts for a while, however. We’re going to look both at energies that can throw us off base and tools to clear aura, mind and body. You’ll learn about managing your personal space. You’ll learn to adjust the “fulcrum” on your teeter-totter and be better in control of the swings. We’ll enter the “field” together and download more of the infinite information out there while we re-member our personal SpiritWalk.
It is impossible for it to be otherwise, just as the pen must write with the color of the ink with which it is filled. There are infinite possibilities of what the pen may write, but it will always be true to its ink and its nib. You brought with you the frequencies of what you wished to learn and do and create in this life, and that vibration constantly draws to you that which harmonizes with it.
“Then how come I’m so unhappy?”
“How come I’m sick?”
“Why did my beloved leave me?”
“I hate my job,,,I barely have enough money to live on…bad things always happen to me…I can’t find a partner…my business failed…I’m in pain all the time…”
These are the voices I often hear in my Spiritual Coaching practice. If I am Spirit in a Body and I came here for a reason, why do I feel so very far away from it? How can it be right here around me?
SpiritWalk blog will share with you information that has “dropped in” or “emerged” throughout my life. Over the past 30 years, my own frequencies led me to create a path where I can help others to find their peace, their health, and their answers, first as a body worker, then a holistic psychotherapist, and finally a psychic, healer and Spiritual Coach. Almost all of this information has come as a result of constantly asking questions about being Spirit in a Body and holding space (with everyone who came into my circle) for the answers.
I have not done this alone. There have been numerous teachers, mentors, petty tyrants, friends, lovers, children and clients. It has been far from easy. It has not been pretty. I did not get rich. I have laughed a whole lot. I have had fun. I have fallen inexorably in love with Life and learned to deeply honor and hold Sacred Above All the blessed reason we agreed to come play in this illusion of separation from Source – Love.
We are all on the same SpiritWalk when you really get down to it. It is immensely complex and exquisitely simple at the same time. The SpiritWalk is the journey we are all on to learn about Love. In Source, Love IS. It is constant and immoveable. It is non-transient. But the vortex of love was too strong to remain intransient. Love needed to act. So Source – “we” – followed the urge to play at being separate so that Love could move by loving “Other.” Love became transient, went into action, sacrificed Union for Duality, and began the long strange trip to recognize the Sacred in our beloved’s eyes. Voila, Life!
After much experience, “we” have been in the process of following Love into denser and denser realms, curious if it really does permeate even the harshest vibrations. This is the play we are at in our current era. And boy, are we having to do some fancy dancing to keep that balance! For each depth and density we enter we have to teeter-totter to equally high and fine frequencies. It reverberates from the macro to the micro, from the universal to the personal. Everything is dancing the polarity boogie! So are our personal lives going to be easily kept on an even keel? Nope. Are they going to reflect the vacillating frequencies with which we are now at play? Yep.
Hang out with these blog posts for a while, however. We’re going to look both at energies that can throw us off base and tools to clear aura, mind and body. You’ll learn about managing your personal space. You’ll learn to adjust the “fulcrum” on your teeter-totter and be better in control of the swings. We’ll enter the “field” together and download more of the infinite information out there while we re-member our personal SpiritWalk.